Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Evolution of Evolution: Killed the Mammoths?

Perhaps one of the clearest evidences against evolution is the way they keep changing their story.

Have you ever worked with kids that, when caught, deliver up the most meritorious explanation as to why they were playing baseball in the living room (not my kids, of course), but when examined further, fall back to a more palpable explanation, but completely incompatible with their first story? Well, those kids grow up into Evolutionary Scientists!

You can always tell a person who has no firm opinion or at least no conviction in his opinion. He changes his tune over and over again based upon who his audience is at the time. A confident man holds and defends a position with boldness and conviction. Scientists can be sniffed out based upon their constantly changing story. Remember how Neanderthal used to drag his knuckles on the ground when we were kids? Now, of course, he walks upright because scientists feel that they've filled in more gaps between Neanderthal and chimpanzee. Thus, Neanderthal doesn't have to span so much space between chimpanzee and modern man. If you watch carefully, you'll notice that the newest interpretations always play into the political correctness of the day.

We're all too young to remember the days when evolutionary theories were used to justify slavery, or even the slaughter of the aboriginal peoples of Australia for museum props to further the cause of evolution the world over.

Then there was the decades-old theory about how Jacob Roggeveen wiped out the population of Easter Island by cutting down all their trees, introducing European diseases, and enslaving the native population. This interpretation played into the anti-imperialism mindset of the '60's and '70's, but as of late, has been supplanted by newer evidence. Now, it seems, the native peoples, themselves, cut down their trees shortly after their arrival, which was hundreds of years later than previously thought. Food supply, it seems, was the most likely cause of societal collapse into cannibalism and barbarism...not that the Europeans are forgiven or anything.

Or, do you remember all those paintings in school books showing a bunch of sparsely-clad, apeish men dancing around a well-skewered Woolly Mammoth as he stepped on some poor mother's son? Well, those pages are about to be ripped up, whited out, pasted over, in light of "new evidence". Who knows, that mother might even get her son back.

It seems the latest evolution of evolution is that of how the Mammoths died out. For the past 40 years or so, man has been slandered for having hunted this noble creature into extinction. Corporations and profit motive most likely. Well, that sermon has out-lived its usefulness and now we're on to better things.

According to Dale Guthrie of the University of Alaska, climate change wiped out the Woolly Mammoth, not rabid hunters! So mankind is absolved at last...oh wait.

Whatever club evolutionary scientists are using to pound creationists over the head on a particular day seems also to be an irresistible tool to explain all of natural history.

Evolution evolves, but some things never change.

1 comment:

Kent Brandenburg said...

I like the Mammoth story.