Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Differences? What Differences?

A global warming article published 23 minutes ago, according to Yahoo! news, claims that differences in data collected from two different sources has been resolved. While surface measurements have supposedly long shown rising temperatures, satellites and weather balloons have shown just the opposite. Really? Since when? Why didn't we hear about these differences before? Oooh, that would have made you look bad! Oh, well, by all means, please, keep us in the dark! After all, we unejukatid folk merely exist to fawn over you brainy scientists whilst you figure out how you're going to make yourself look good again tomorrow!

No, honestly, had you EVER heard the global warming crowd suggest that there was ANY discrepancy in their data? So now, they've once again, gone from absolutely positive to absolutely positive, without discrepancies! Well, how do we know there aren't any discrepancies. I guarantee you, if I live another month, I'll have the opportunity to again rant about another (previously unmentioned) weakness in their theories that has been resolved!

As long as I've been watching the science headlines (about a decade), I've seen this pattern of hide-till-resolved a hundred times. This closely parallels the missing link I've written about before. They won't tell you there's a missing link until they think they've found something to fill it.

They have a word for this in politics too. It's called a "cover up"!

1 comment:

DaCatster said...

I enjoy reading your blog, especially this last post. The global warming crowd irritate me. They do that with their lack of reasoning.

Let me say first off I have taken a geology class at a secular university. The global warming crowd has never been able to give me a statisfactory answer to my question. My question is that since data is limited to typical weather climates, how do they not know this isn't a normal weather cycle that the earth goes through every 500, 1000, 2000, or even every million years (let me emphasis I don't believe the earth is that old, but global warmers do)? Everything is just a hypothesis, nothing more nothing less. They have a theory that may scare some and it sells. I'm not buying it.